Monday, February 3, 2014

Oh No You Di'-int: Adding Insult to Injury

Hey, did you notice the weather is pretty godawful? If you didn't, just check Facebook and I'm sure some of your clever friends will be posting clever photos of snow piling up on their deck furniture.

But those photos -- I'm assuming there are numerous shots out there (although would we really notice if all our FB friends just kept reposting the same pic?) -- got me thinking about my own house and how two years ago, after 8 years of redneck grilling on the driveway we finally decided to build the thing that would eventually collect snow all winter and bird crap all summer.

Sitting around our kitchen table on a Saturday morning a couple of Augusts ago, my husband and I conducted the first of three construction company interviews. We were discussing possible layout ideas when our three daughters walked in the room. The owner of the company looked at the kids, looked at me and back to the kids. Then he said with a big smile, "Oh, I had kids later in life too."  Wha-wha-wha-what?? Is this some cockamamie attempt at bonding? My husband started shaking his head and knew there was nothing left to be said. Buh-bye and get out jackass dude who works in sales and should be saying (lying) that there's no way I could possibly be old enough to have a teenager.

The good news is we found a great company that did an excellent job. And should I ever encounter that charmer again, I'm prepared to marinate, skewer and conveniently grill his ass right out back. Now that might be a FB-worthy deck photo.

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